Hey y'all! I've never used Kickstarter before, and I've never put together a collection of my favorite non-comics artwork. But now I'm doing both!
Check it out!
I'm honored to be in the second year of B9 Kingdom's art books. Last year,
Yuko Ota,
Becky Dreistadt,
KC Green, and
Evan Dahm were the artists who started it all.
This year we'll have art books by myself,
Aaron Diaz,
Anthony Clark, and
Emmy Cierega. ALL of these artists are phenomenal and I'm sincerely humbled to be published under the same name with them.
[caption id="attachment_6994" align="aligncenter" width="380" caption="Emmy, Anthony, Danielle, and Aaron's individual covers."]

In case you're not familiar with the B9 books, each artist will have their own 32-page softcover book, and in addition, a very handsome harcover book will collect all four artists as well.
My book will be a collection of my nude life studies from the past several years, as it's the most cohesive body of work I have outside of GWS. I've wanted to print a book of my nudes for the loooongest time, so I'm really thrilled to finally make it a reality, assuming we reach our goal!
For those of you who don't know how Kickstarter works - don't worry, I'm a noob myself - our books will only go to print if we make our initial goal of $15k to cover the printing costs. By backing us (look to the right for different amounts that you can pledge!), you'll essentially be preordering the books, at a discount! ... or PDFs ($10+), or the whole package of 5 books with bookplates signed by us ($125), or, like everything plus a dedication and a drawing of the B9 dog by each artist ($500). Whatever you want, man!
If we DON'T reach our initial goal, your pledge won't be cashed in and we'll just have to take our balls and go home (hurr hurr, balls). If we exceed the amount we're aiming for, the books will be printed reeeeeaaaal nice. Check out the
stretch goals at the bottom of the "about this project" section. :)
Thanks in advance for your support, guys! Oh and in case anyone was wondering, I didn't mean to apologize for my lovely state of West Virginia in the video; I just didn't know how to edit my video clip, so that part got left in. ;)
PS! Because a lot of people are asking... yes, the books will be picked at RANDOM, unless you're pledging $45 or over (in which case you get ALL 4 of the art books). The reason for this is that we want to get ALL of the books funded, not just the one or two with the most pledges; we're a team, after all. :) Sorry for the confusion!